Tuesday, January 19, 2010

As promised

As promised, here is an exfoliant recipe:

1/3 cup of Sweet Almond Oil
1/4 cup of dark brown sugar
2 drops of Lavender (for calming) or Lemongrass Essential oil
A drop of Vanilla extract (optional).

Remember to mix it thoroughly....and voila! You can always substitute the sugar and essential oils for finely diced and chopped ginger. Just becareful around the eye area.

Guess where I found this recipe? The Metro Newspaper! I found it by chance as I never read this paper.

If you want to substitute any of the essential oils make sure that the one you want to substitute for is safe for the face/skin. If you look up aromatherapy on google I'm sure you will be able to find it in no time.

Remember, exfoliating is nice, but the nice result you get after every treatment can easily diminish if you do it everyday. So limit your exfoliating to once a week. Your skin will thank you.

You can always go all out by having a bath with bath salts or an essential oil blend following or prior to the exfoliation. So now go relax and enjoy.

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